
Happy New Years!!

On the East Coast. 15 Minutes ago. haha We still have 2.75 hours left to midnight.

So Dave finally got a Nintendo DS. He got quite a bit of holiday money which popped him close enough to get a DS and a game. He's been wanting one for a while now because of the game Nintendogs. Actually there's a whole slew of games for the DS that's awesome! I need a better job just to buy them all! heh

Dawn's family came up today bearing gifts and stuff. They got Dawn and I a new blender. It'w freaking awesome! Like 16 speeds and a glass jar/container...thingey. Our last one was plastic and would choke when it tried to chop up ice. So it's all good! ^_^

So I probably won't post for the rest of the evening. Happy New Years and stuff!


And So It Begins

Why wait for New Years when you can do resolutions whenever the hell you want to!!

So, here's my list, some of which I've already started:

  • lose weight - I joined up with EDiets again. I liked it last time and it worked. I suspect I will see the same results.

  • Learn Japanese - So I've been off and on over the course of last year trying to learn this. I've picked up some stuff here and there, but nothing to where I could lead a nice conversation with someone else. I hate doing stuff just to learn it. If I can't use it, I'll lose it. So I need to find ways to use it other than going to Japan, though that would be fun.

  • Get a full time job - I could be happy in the short time just to have a contract position, but working straight 40s seems limiting to me. Also being a contract seems not as cool.

So that's what I have right now. I have other things I want to do, but these are the most important. Each one has it's hurdles and time needed to invest. About the only thing I resolve to do is to do my best.



I was writing a posting about Nova the other day and my computer thought it was a good time to give me the BSOD. I need new memory me thinks. I'm getting tired of the random BSOD. *sigh*

So I started up DDR again. I'm doing about 3 times a week. Tomorrow will be a week of doing that. I'm also trying to stay late at work to read and or do stuff that I can't do at home due to distractions the other days of the week. Damn, I also sense my monitor about to go color blind again at this very moment. Anyway, I've been reading up on C#. I got a new book a month back on C# 2005. It's pretty cool. I need to learn it better. I need a full time to make all this time I spent in school and stuff worth while.

I'm currently drinking this organic apple juice stuff mixed with Vodka at the suggestion of Dawn's dad. It's odd tasting. Fortunately, we bought some Sierra Mist tonight so I can fall back on that. :)

Well, happy secular holidays and stuff. May all your holiday dreams become reality. ^_^


Happy Holidays!

My monitor is beginning to die a slow death. One of the colors keep on flickering in and out. I guess it's time for me to go flat. :) I'm sad though. I like my 19 inch monitor. I hope I don't have to put it out its misery. Oh well.


Seahawks!!! NFC West Division Title Holders

How about them apples! The Rams lost today. Before the Seahawks play tomorrow night in Philly, they already know that they have the NFC West Division title. What's cool about this is Seattle still has 5 games left. 5!! And they are the first team to clinch their division title. And now, Seattle will be playing for home field advantage through out the playoffs. I don't ever recall even thinking that before. Seattle and home field advantage were always polar opposites. The mere thought of it makes my head swim. :D


*Has a heart attack*

Why? Cause the Seahawks pulled a win out of their ass today! Holy Crap!! The Giants could have won three times but their field goal kicker missed each time! Holy freaking crap!!! Seattle finally managed to get enough offense to get within Josh Brown's range and with about 5 mins left in overtime, Seattle won by a field goal. Holy freaking macha macha hi crap!!!


Fake crying, I can assure you. Anyway, some of you might have played Dugeon Siege. Some of you might remember that I went to visit Gas Powered Games a few years back. I liked Gas Powered Games. Lots of intelligent people there headed by a guy that knows what he wants. However, I think he's off his rocker. If you travel over to here, you'll find the trailer for the movie they are making based on it. And now, let me bring up Dungeon & Dragons. Why do I bring it up? Because, looking at the trailer, the Dungeon Siege movie will be worse than that D&D crap. Watch the trailer and you'll see what I mean.

First up, Burt Reynolds is in it. WTF?! Burt Reynolds in a fantasy movie? As the King character?! Next up, that Jason Statham guy who's been in such flops as The Transporter and The Transporter 2. He was mildly interesting in Snatch. He's as B-action star as they come. No offense to Bruce Cambell though. And then there's poor John Rhys-Davies who is now forever typecast into fantasy movies. You might remember him from Lord of the Rings movies.

So, I really don't know. I really can't judge the movie by the trailer, ala Star Wars prequal trailers, but it's sooooo terrible!!!


Penn & Teller: Bullshit

I love Penn & Teller. Penn is soo loud. I can't believe how loud he is. Anyway, though a new site I found,Digg.com, I found one of their episodes of Bullshit on Showtime. I'm really really happy. It's the show where they call Bullshit on the Bible. Since it is Penn & Teller, the language is mature, but the subject matter is what is important. It's just about 30 minutes long and funny as all hell. Please give it a watch. Please...for the children.


Ajax - What is it really?

So, when people first hear about AJAX, what do they really think it is? Well, currently it's the latest buzzword in the tech world. It's stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML2. But what if you didn't know that? What would you think about?

Here are a few things that might have come up:

  • Ajax was a Greek hero from the Trojan War stories -

  • AJAX is a vehicle type from Robotech -

  • The Nike Ajax surface-to-air missile -

  • Ajax, the cleaner -

  • Ajax, the video game from Konami -

Wow, I hope you get down here. =) The Ajax I'm interested in is the one I first mentioned above. This a relatively new technology that have spawn quite a few of cool web applications. Do you use Gmail? Perhaps you've seen Google Maps. I've also heard of companies developing simple MSOffice-like web applications. It looks like this is taking off. While it's not the best because of it's dependences on JavaScript which is a security problem and not all browsers support it, it is still getting the job done.

A while back, I mentioned that I would start looking at making a MUD. I think the second part of that is to create a client application using Ajax. Now that would be cool. That would be cool. :) All I need now is a swift kick in the ass to put me down this path.


Working hard for my money

I'm working this weekend to make sure I don't get underpaid for having no holiday pay. It's a drag but I'll actually get stuff done.

Well, that's all I got. Tootles.


Crack and a pipe

Two totally unrelated items in my life...or are they?

I just posted up another link to some music I like to listen to. Japan-A-Radio features the latest Norwegian Viking music. Umm...no, more like J-pop and anime. For those of you who like streaming music, both di.fm and Japan-a-Radio use a newer technology called aacPlus. This streams out awesome quality sounding music at a bit-rate that people still on Dial-up *cough*AOL*cough* can enjoy. I like it because in theory it will have less drop outs and it's less bandwidth the hosts needs to pay out for.

So, it's all good. Oh yeah, you'll need to download Winamp 5.1 in order for you to use the aacPlus technology. I think it's worth it. In fact I'll probably download it at work tomorrow. Of course they may block the port after they discover a competing product is being used on their network. *smile*

And other topic, Seahawks are playing Sunday at one vs their division rival Rams, probalby their only compeition in the division this year. It should be a good time. Be sure to watch. And be happy I'm hundreds of miles away.


A long time

So a few things. The Seahawks won again last week. Barely in the last 40 seconds of the game, but it was a win all the same. Bye this week and they're off to Arizona for probably another whipping session next week. It shall be fun.

Second, I finally found a game type that I should have started to make a long time ago. The world of MUDs. I played a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) or two back in the day when BBSes were all the rage. However, that thing called the Web killed off the BBS and I didn't really play them any more. One could say that Everquest and World of Warcraft could be considered a MUD. I'm thinking more along the lines of the pure text version. This recently came back to me as I had thought of an idea that could lead to a more pleasurable MMO experience. Of course building your own MMO from scratch is ludicrous. I was discussing the idea with a co-worker and he mentioned that MUDs would be a good area to test the idea out. That was quite the idea.

So, now I'm on a quest to see about building my own MUD. Giving there's probably won't be any graphics involved or physics, I can be confident that I could do a large majority of building said software by myself. There's a lot of good things that can come about this and I'm thinking it's quite workable. So, wish me luck and pray to His Noodly Appendage.



I'm bored. I'm seriously considering getting me some Code Red and doing some coding. I can't believe how bored I am. I haven't been this bored in ages.

Bored, bored, bored. On a scale of 1 to 10, i'm a 10 bored. Bored.

Ok, enough being bored. I'll just be boring now.


It's no use

Seattle lost today. It's seemed like they would after on their first play ended with a fumble. Opening kickoff and they screw up right from the beginning. I wonder if it's worth watching any more.

It's certainly beginning to look like watching sports is something I should grow out of. Sure, not everybody in the NFL sucks, but when your home team continues to drain whatever hope of sports happiness, it's not cool anymore. I can now feel what the fans of the Boston Red Sox have felt for decades before their team finally won last year.

I have to say that I enjoy watching tennis still and the occasional golf match.

I dunno...I gots other things on my mind right now. Being 30 and barely in a better spot than I was last year. Yeah, "boo-hoo" you say. *sigh*...more later...maybe



One of my friends that I have known the longest on the Internet is ok!! She had lived in New Orleans. It would appear that her and her family got out on Sunday and managed to get to Little Rock, AK. I always thought of Arkansas indifferently, but they go up a notch today. =D


Konban wa

That's 'Good Evening' in Japanese.

I'm finally feeling like I'm progressing with my Japanese skills. I'm finally seeing some silent vowels which I was trying to pronounce but yet the speaker on the CD was skipping. I didn't understand for a long time and it was frustrating. Tonight I sat down for I think over two hours(!) and read through the first seven lessons. Several lessons I would repeat certain clips over and over till I could understand what was going on. By the way, I'm using the Living Language: Japanese Complete Course. The link goes to a newer version, but I'm sure it's about the same as the one that I have which I got very late 90's or very early 2000's.

I'm far from being able to watch anime without subtitles, but I think I'm on my way. Now the trick is to stick to studying a few times a week otherwise I'll stay in this deep, deep, deep rut that I've been in since...I dunno...forever? I think after I learn some more, I'll need to search out a native speaker to help me out. I had attended a Japanese group once in the Bellevue area which was pretty cool. They only meet once a month but I work a shift where I leave work around 3pm. They meet at 7pm. It's pretty inconvenient to go home then come back then go home again. That's at least an hour of additional travel. On good days. I guess I'll figure something out.

Well, that's enough for right now. Talk at y'all later.


A Quicky

Over here is an article about them crazy bible people thinking that dinosaurs walked with man. haha You need to register for that article by the way. But here's the little quote that I must show:

"Dinosaurs lived in the Garden of Eden, and Noah's Ark? Give me a break," said Kevin Padian, curator at the University of California Museum of Paleontology in Berkeley and president of National Center for Science Education, an Oakland group that supports teaching evolution. "For them, 'The Flintstones' is a documentary."

hahhahahahhahahhahhaahahaha The Flintstones....a documentary!!! That's great!

So you just turned 30. What are you going to do now?

Not go to Disneyland, that's for sure. :P

Yeah, so today is my 30th birthday. I have finally transcended into my 30somethings. I can finally relate to the show of the same name from the 90s or whenever it was. I can't say that I actually watched that show so I'm not sure how I could relate, but I'll try my best. Maybe it's on DVD now.

So last night to celebrate, we all went bowling for what else? Bowling!! and beer!! heh Amy went with us to be sure I drank enough. I think I did. I was pleasantly liquored up. The bowling was fun. It was the first time that Dave has been too. He did pretty good on the first game. Got frustrated on the second game. I ended up doing most of his frames much to the sadness of my thumb. Though we were using the bumpers so it wasn't as bad. I managed to get two strikes that would have been gutter balls had the bumpers been down. I thought that was fairly comical. We ended up at the small arcade they had where I played some DDR with Dawn. I beat her but I think it's because the pad I was using was better. I played again on the one she used and I was sucking. What was cool about it though was that it was a Japanese machine. And it was actually loud!

Today I mainly just relaxed. Watched some TV, read the Sunday paper, did some laundry, and cooked myself some pancakes. So it was an ok day. We'll see how the rest of my 30s will turn out. =D


Ack, it's a blackout!

Damn it to all hell. Blackout for Seattle's game tonight. If you live within 75 miles of the game, you're screwed. Though I understand that the Seahawks lost. Probably not an interesting game. heh It's only preseason. But I continue to get blackout games for the regular season, I'm gonna be pissed! I can't live without my Seahawks! I'm much to cheap to actually go to the games. *sigh* Oh well. We shall see.


One of a kind

Yeah, my first attempt at a color manga-like thing. Certainly lots of room for improvement, but I'm happy with it. I actually found that to be fun. I hope I didn't miss my calling. :/

Goodbye 20's....It's was real

*sigh* So, as some of you know, my birthday is here in 12 days. So 12 days left of my 20's. I'm not sure what to say about it. Yay, another birthday down. Hopefully lots to come.

Thought I still feel like I haven't gone anywhere. Sure, I moved away from the Tri-Cities. Yay, I guess. But I still have four things laying around my desk that I've been wanting to do for ages. So yeah, I feel like that I been no where.

Eh, I'll come back later.


A change of heart

So a good chunk of people who read my site regularly know my plight versus religion. It makes no sense to me. The whole creation thing is just some kind of mythology, as mythological as the Greek and Roman kind. However, I may have to do an about-face on Intelligent Design. The answers were always there, right in front of me. In my cupboard to be exact. It took this site to bring it all in focus. From now on, every Sunday, I will worship my creator. Maybe with some garlic bread, too.


What if..

Ghenghis Khan formed his own disco band....this is what. Catchy, no? Thanks to Blue's News for the link.


'nother small update

Just changed up the links on the side. That's it. Nothing more. Now go outside...enjoy the sun.


Slight update

Geee, I noticed the other day my entertainment links were broken. I fixed them. Now go listen to hot European dance grooves and/or play games.

And now for something a little less political

Ahh yes...the non-political post. You gots to love them.

Today I got to watch the second volume from Full Metal Alchemist. How have I never seen this gem before? Oh yeah, my lack of Cartoon Network did the trick. In the past I have exalted Vision of Escaflowne (until I saw the end), Neon Genesis Evangelion (until I saw the end...uh oh, a pattern is forming), and Cowboy Bebop (until...wait, I loved them all!). But I can safely say that Full Metal Alchemist is my favorite anime at the moment. I understand that there's quite a few of them made. I'm only on episode 9. I'm sad I can't waste a week and watch them all. *cries* *gets a hanky* But I'll live with just watching four episodes at a time a month apart.

Oh yeah, I tried my hand at drawing today. I have natural talent. Let me show you what I did!

My manga beginnings!

hmm..odd..I need to play with the picture thingey some more. Well, that's all I got right now. I hope you all are enjoying the hot weather over on the east side. *snicker* *maniacal laugh* *ha ha laugh ala Nelson*


Make no mistake about it, your president is...

I dunno...what is he? A rock? Some sludge at the bottom of one of the waste tanks at Hanford? The stuff that the huge slugs that we have here leave behind? I dunno, take you pic. Come up with something better, more creative. I really just want to go straight to the awesome words of four letter goodness.

So, if you keep up in the news, one of the things floating about is how President "Plant Matter" (not very creative, I know) endorses teaching other theories of life in science class. I read the article in the Seattle Times here. And yer in luck, I managed to find it on their website. Again, he proves his self-worth to the rest of the world. As with his mysterious cache of WMD in Iraq, he's very clueless on how the world works. He pretty much directly contradicts what his science advisor had said back in March. Seriously..when is someone going to start the process to impeach him? There's a petition over at Petition Online that asks for deeper investigation of the memo leaked in the UK about how he wanted to do the whole Iraq thing from the beginning. This is a beginning. This needs to grow or I'm sure more stupidity will befall our country.


NASA and their lies!

I tell you it's true! Google Says So! With the advent of awesome map technology, Google has finally discovered the truth that NASA has hidden since 1969! Be sure to zoom in all the way.

In other news, James Doohan has pass on. While Star Trek was never a favorite with me, Scotty was one of the few likeable characters. It was James that brought that character to life. This non-Trekkie gives a few moments of silence.


To know your church is to know love

Damn those Texans! So arrogant and full of themselves. People who leave Texas, whom I know one, have good reasons to not go back. I'm not if it was a good idea to have them taken in by the union way back when. Anyway...

So, some church in Texas has soo many sheep that they need a freaking coliseum to "teach" its doctrine has actually bought a coliseum for their sheep. Check this out over at CNN.com. The former playing ground for the Houston Rockets is now a training ground for the weak minded. Does this bother me at all? Not in the least. They're in Texas while I'm still here in Washington. We're not part of Jesusland, remember? What bugs the hell out of me is a quote from their ignorant governor, you know the same state that gave us <sarcasm>wonderful President Dubya</sarcasm>. So, here it is if you haven't skipped right there to read it:

As lawmakers we do a lot of things, but only the church can teach people to love. - Texas Gov. Rick Perry

That's right Rick. Only the church can teach people to love. I guess I have live my whole life as a lie. The love I know is fake. And of course we all know this to mean only the Christian church can do this. If you're Muslim, you're SOL. If you have Buddha in your life, kiss your love for him goodbye.

I just don't get it. Why is it always with Christians that it's their way or they'll beat the snot out of you until you agree? I'm almost certain that not everybody in Texas are brainwashed. There are a few that actually think before speaking. Their governor just dropped his drawers over the minority, which include the above thinkers, and said "Like it!" He doesn't care. He'll get whatever next term they vote for. If I were one those poor souls in Texas who were just told that one of their basic human emotions doesn't exist, I would certainly up and leave. Go anywhere. Leave Middle-Jesusland and come to Canada...err I mean Western Washington.

I really don't know. Will critical thinking ever come to the majority in the US? It might not come about in my life time. I can only hope it comes in my son's.


Friday was too good

Eh, so work on Friday was ok as work goes. Nothing really going on that would cause unneeded stress. On my way to work, I saw a cop had pulled over a motorcyclist! That marked a good day! I finished up with getting some much needed items for Dawn's computer.

However, that good stuff didn't last to the late afternoon of today. I installed the rest of Dawn's hardware and finally put on XP. I'm telling ya, it's a hassle! I'm buying a whole computer next time! :P So, the pieces left over from my computer and Dawn's was going into Dave's. But alas, that was not meant to be.

My intention was to use my old MoBo which included a somewhat faster processor than what he had already. It already included 512MB of RAM so he'd be set. Unfortunately, it locked one too many times when I was trying to install Win98 on it. I had other problems as well which leads me to believe that the mobo is shot. That's pretty crappy. I could go buy the same stuff I stuck into Dawn's machine but with a lower end processor as he really doesn't need it.

Anyway, this has been two weekends in a row messing with computers. Time for a rest. I need to do something else. I need to design a game. *sigh*


l33t n33d nat app1y h3r3

So, I got Guild Wars for my updated computer last Saturday. It's pretty cool as MMO goes. But there's just one problem: There be elitist ass wipes in yonder game.

That's right. The same dumbasses that inhabit the space of Halo and Xbox Live also exist within the MMOs that garner high praise. I'm surprised that "they" actually know how to type. Some of them don't know how to talk, that's for damn sure. This is unfortunately as I was growing to like Guild Wars. No subscription fees was a bonus. But now that the people who suck the fun out of playing get randomly teamed up with me on my first outing beyond the main area, it's not so much fun. I wonder if I should even make games for the those types.

So, I dunno really. It's depressing that I shell out $50 for a game and it turns out it filled with more than just bugs. I guess I should have seen it coming. But what if...there was a way to make games fun again? What if? Yeah, I know. It's a pipe dream. *sigh*


The Joy of new computer parts

But first, Voltron gets served.

So, this last check was nice. It is one of three this month. And you know what that means? New computer parts!! And what's cooler is I'm getting parts for two computers! I would have liked to spend it all on me. After all, my computer is a development platform for games. :P

So, what I got for my computer is:

  • 80GB SATA hard drive

  • Asus nVidia 6600 video card with a whooping 128 megs of ram!

  • DVD writer

Here's what I got for Dawn's computer:

  • my old 40GB IDE hard drive up from two ~10GB drives

  • Asus nVidia 5200 video card with a whooping 128 megs of ram!(which is a lot compared to what was in there before)

  • A new motherboard with an AMD Athlon XP 2700+ processor and associated CPU fan

  • 512MB of PC3200 RAM up from 256MB of PC133

  • my old DVD-ROM drive (once I find some rails for the case)

While installing her pieces yesterday, I found that one of her cooling fans was dead. I decided to take it out. Probably a good thing I did that as it felt hot to the touch. I can't believe it didn't burn up. Earlier in the day I had bought a new fan that I was going to use in the back of the case. The bad one was in the front. I still put the new fan in back as I think it will benefit the cooling of the case better.

I'm going to get her WinXP here this week and install the hard drive later in the week. It was a pain reinstalling winxp on my computer as I guess enough pieces changed to warrant them forcing me to call their upgrade center. I was annoyed. I don't have that issue when installing stuff at work. LOL

Whatever pieces left over are probably going to go into Dave's computer. Or I'll be lazy and just bye him a low end computer. Installing computer parts takes all day. geeze.

Well, this post is losing focus so. Until next time.


Us Yanks are smart..yup

So, Canadians are finally realizing what us northern people in the ummm..north part of the States have known for about a century and a half. Please read this here that I yoinked off of Fark.com. I find it funny. Now, I can only guess about the truth here as my mom came from that part of the States and she was one the smartest people I knew. But let us throw in NASCAR into the mix. I don't think my mom could have offset the average enough. But again, another generalization about the South. Some bright college graduate from the North should do a study on that for his/her master/doctorate.


Halo 2, Xbox Live, and You

So, I enjoy to play a game or two of Halo 2. I also enjoy playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live. However, I don't like playing with you. Well, probably not you, my dear readers, just the collective "you" that represents the a good portion of the players on Xbox Live. Let me explain why.

For those of you who do not know what Xbox Live is, it is Microsoft's own online system to allow people with broadband connections from all over the world to play together. Which is kind of cool. When I play in the wee hours of mornings, I will typically hear the English accents from the UK and occasional will hear people talk in another language all together. It's always fun to be called an "American Wanker" by those on the other side of the Atlantic. And from this is where I don't like playing with you.

I don't know how many times I have been called names for doing something wrong, just not performing at my typical ability, or by winning. I hear it everyday. It's a very rare day indeed when someone will comment on the excellent move or tactics performed. I generally don't include the "Good Game" comments as that is expected. For instance, I was playing in a team slayer game, where the first team who gets to 50 points wins, and the team we were playing against just barely edged us out by one kill. Oh well, I thought. But at the end where you can review the game stats, the leader(with most kills) of the other team decided it would be cool to start saying I could "suck his balls" or some such crap. If you really wanted to break the game down, I had one more point than him (for reference). There are very few players I have encountered that are sore winners, but this guy was the worst of them. I left him two negative feedback thingies though really I have no idea if Bungie pays attention to those things.

The worst is when you are playing on a team and you aren't playing at your best and they start to bitch at you. "You Suck" and other worth while comments fling from their mouths. I remember playing a two-on-two game where my partner got like a 3 or 4 kills before I got my first and he started to say I should just quit. Well, I stayed in the game and we lost. I started to just get myself killed on purpose. In fact that's what I do when my teammates starts saying crap like that. In the case of Capture the Flag and Assault, I do my best to keep the flag or ball away from the target without killing my teammates. If you kill a teammate, then they can boot ya from the game...I don't want that, now do I.

Other times, mostly on team games, the losing team are sore losers. On the maps, there are certain weapons or points that make the player seem invincible. However, all players can be killed. For instance, on the map Ascension (for reference), there's a very high point that can only be gotten there with a flying vehicle, the Banshee. For whatever reason, I have not seen the Banshee on this level for a week or two. But on that game, it was back. Dave was playing on this game and he enjoys to snipe. So he managed to get a banshee and a sniper rifle and flew up to the high point. He managed to kill three guys while up there and never managed to get back to it. However, lots of people frown upon doing this. Some people consider this as "n00bish". Dave was just having fun. And this was a training ground game which basically means that it doesn't count against your ranking. The other team were being pricks, mainly FenderMan92186 and Loki60. They first ripped on one of my other team mates for using snipers for most of the game. Next the started to rip on Dave for snipping from the high point. I was soo fucking pissed.

I can't get away from these immature assholes. They are everywhere on Xbox Live. I also can't tell you how many times I listen to pre-game conservation about being high or drunk or how they "fucked my mom" (this particular comment angers me to no end). I don't like playing with these fucktards. They really have no idea that Halo 2 is merely a game. Win or lose, the world isn't going to end. Hell, if they stopped playing, they might get laid. Some of them seemed that they need it more than Rosy Palm.

I am really beginning to see the real reason why Halo 2 is marked as a M rated game. It's not to keep the innocence away from all the shooting, blood and other violent things. It's to keep the immature away until they realize that Halo 2 is only but a game for entertainment. There's soo much teen angst flowing in Halo 2 that I'm surprised that Xbox Live just doesn't become an evil alive entity and starts to take over the world. Ok, I really don't wonder that. But the hatred is there and it puts a damper on what is normally a good game.


Cherry Popping Goodness

*watches hits go up*

Yeah, I'm a whore for cheap hits. So, Seattle. It's been ok up here. What's actually pretty cool is I'm at a job where a lot of people share some of my interests. I can laugh at some geeky joke and not get weird looks. I feel enthused when I talk or listen to technology stuff. The others seem to feel the same way, if only more so as they seem more competent than me. It just nice to be surrounded again by those type of people. I can't see myself ever going back to "normal".

This past week I've been learning a programming language called C#. Now, I have heard other people call pieces of technology as sexy. I never knew why they did. I know now. C# is soo damn smooth, silky almost. I want to learn this so bad. There's a lot of potential behind it. I want it all. I know it, to dream about it, to think about it all day. I know now what sexy is.

I didn't see Star Wars on opening night. The first time I've missed a Star Wars on opening day since the re-releases of the original three. Yes, I'm really quite sad. I won't see it until Monday. For free, but still, I have to wait a whole freaking weekend. Oh well.

Now, to my title. A few weeks back, Katie and fam came up to visit. I thought it was a good idea to buy hard alcohol. I got some rum, vanilla vodka and Irish cream. We didn't have much stuff at the house as for mixing things. But we did have some left over Cherry 7up. So, on a whim I decided to mix Cherry 7up and the vanilla Vodka together. Holy crap! That's the best drink every!!! I nicknamed it "Cherry Popper" because I like drinks with perverted names. It's really good! I highly recommend it. So does Katie. heh


All I can say....wow!

I just discovered the best feature I have ever seen on a music player on a computer: A rewind/seek of streaming music!! RealPlayer for Windows XP has this feature and now I'm in love with it!

I listen to a lot of streaming music and sometimes there's music that plays that I would love to listen to again, but I can't when I had crappy ass Win98 version of RealPlayer. Tonight, while peering at the seek bar which would normally allow you to seek on a regular MP3 or Ogg Vorbis file (if you don't know what Ogg Vorbis, google is your friend), I moused over it and it showed me the time playing and what not and a thing called perfect play which was enabled. Not thinking anything would happened, I clicked on the slider, dragged it to the left and all of the sudden I was listening to music I had listened to about a half hour ago!! I was like DUDE!! cause I had just listen to this really awesome mix that I'm still listening to now, again. heh

Not only has it not crashed playing the music, it buffers the music for quite a while so I can listen to whatever I want...within reason. Something else I just noticed that it marks where the different songs are on it. hehehehhehehe Man, I'm sooo in love!!

Ok, that's it. Need sleep for my job tomorrow. Goodnight.



Oi! I just had to say that.

Well, so, I be looking a lot. Working a lot puts a damper on me posting 3 or 4 times a day. Oh well. I don't really have much to say. Oh yeah. I got to say this:
Dear 1% of Seattle drivers who screw it up for everybody else on the roads: Thanks a big whole lot. Sincerely, Pissed in Bothell.

Man, I really gots nothing. Oh well. Maybe later...


Some Time

That's all I ask for. Some time.

So, Seattle, errr well, Bothell. Actually, according to the post office we live in Bothell. We live more like in Lynnwood or Mill Creek. But whatever. Whatever city we live in, it takes a good 30 to 40 minutes to get to Redmond on a good day. The commute has been ok. I haven't want to do anything rash...yet. heh Bad days it takes about an hour to get to and from work. I listen to the radio the whole way there and it doesn't bother me at all. But this is only the end of the fourth week. We shall see what I feel like in 5 months.

The job itself it good. I'm learning a whole bunch of stuff. There's still a whole bunch of stuff to learn as well. It's kind of like school, but I'm actually doing and learning something. Go figure.

Well, that's it for now. See ya on the east side. :P



Yes, yes. My first post on the west side and all I can post about is food. But hungry...so hungry....I come back later.


My last Tri-Cities post?

Could it be? YES! It is!! This will be my last post from here in the Tri-Cities. Fitting it will be about the Tri-Cities.

If you mosey on over the to the Tri-City Herald, you'll find an article about the recently proposed expansion to WSU Tri-Cites. So, it would appear that WSU TC will get passed over to get expanded into a full 4 year university. WSU Vancouver and some other school will get it. I guess there was very low support from our local politicians. Sen. Jerome Delvin(Rep.), who's I have hated every since co-sponsoring a bill to prevent the sale of video games, was one of our key supporters. He just happened to miss that one meeting regarding who gets the 4 year expansion. Hmmmm, Jerome, you're really looking out for us here, huh. And now my favorite quote:

I don't know how we missed it. - Sen. Jerome Delvin

I'm at a loss for words here. So what that Hanford will be gone in the future. We don't need any more industry here! Screw that!! *sigh* Well, it's not like I care really. I'm leaving!! hahahhah My vote to dump the ass won't ever be canceled out again!

But seriously, it's kind of sad that people like Jerome are still in Office. Makes ya wonder who he's really looking out for.

Anyway, this will be indeed my last post from the good ol Tri-Cities. Tomorrow, after I get an important e-mail, I will be tearing all the computers down to get them ready to be loaded onto the truck. We probably won't have internet for a couple of weeks, if we get it at all.

I've lived here for about 24 years. I've basically grown up with the tumbleweeds, blowing dust, hot summers, and no traffic. I'm moving to a land of rain, trees, more things to do than you can shake a stick at, heavy traffic, and a land of jobs. I've been told that the Tri-Cities will find a way to drag me back. Of course we have family and good friends here. Always a good reason to come back...to visit. :D

So, with that said, I will probably miss the ol dust bowl. Maybe I'll bring up a bag of Tri-City dust to sprinkle around when I get lonely. Or maybe not. If we have room on the truck.

Well, parting is sweet sorrow. I'll/we'll miss everybody here. Don't be a stranger! Comments fill my heart with joy!! heh So, Good-bye, Tri-Cities. *exit stage right, curtain falls*


The Coming Storm

Well, March 28th is a week from tomorrow. That looks to be my start date. Next weekend, we plan to be all moved over to the other side of the state. We haven't started packing here as we only have about one room to pack. We plan to do that on Thursday. I'm pretty sure that we will have everything done by Saturday, the move day. We even got two helpers to come up with us. Thanks to my sister and Katie.

It's not quite stormy yet. The storm starts on the 28th. Starting a new job. Getting use to a new, big city. I have butterflies. I'm feeling really nervous about the whole thing. I'm not use to the big city. I'm not sure what my new employer is gonna think about me. The money will be tight. Just lots of things that could go wrong and we'd be up a creek without a paddle. I don't know what to expect. It sucks.

But, we have always wanted to go to the Seattle area. There are a few people we know that actually live up there. And overall, it's a start of my career, finally. I suppose the butterflies comes with the territory. I hope they go away soon.


No Looking Back

I finally done and did it. Well, two things I guess. First one which is far more positive is that I accepted the offer to work with Excell. We're going to look at apartments tomorrow(should they actually call me back *grumble*). The apartments look good on paper. Hopefully a few of them will turn out to be good in real life.

Now for the second, not so positive(depends on the point of view, naturally) thingey. I have finally blown up in front of Dawn's Dad. I even went so far as to use one of my favorite swear words. He was saying that had I left Dawn and David here while I wait for an apartment, I would have to continue writing reviews, which I found out that he doesn't do anything with. I found it asinine that while I was not there, I still had to do reviews. So, one of the options of me going up to live with a friend till my first paycheck is out of the question. I will not do reviews, which were for rent, while I'm not living here. The tripe that he continues to shower upon me is barely digestible. I vomit it up, here on my blog as you all know, every so often.

I can't tell you all how much I want to get out of here and get out of their dependent care. I've stomached enough. It's time to leave his shit behind.


I'm going to Seattle!!!

Yeaaaahaw!!!! Today, while I was at the park, btw it was nice seeing the ol park day crew, I got a call from the temp service I applied to on Monday. She left a message saying that she had good news. That good news is that they were giving me an offer! While not the best in the world, considering my experience, it's a foot in the door with at least 12 months of new experience. Holy crap! Twelve months of doing something with my career! How cool is that? :D

Anyway, I could start as early at the 21st, but I was told not to hold my breath. And that's fine with me. I need to find a place to live first. That's not gonna be fun, but I can't live on the streets. :D

Ok, that's my update for the day. Of course, more updates as they appear!


Of things tomorrow

Tomorrow, I have a phone interview with a position with Microsoft. Yes yes, I know. It's a job and I want a job. And it's in Seattle which means: Goodbye Tri-Cities!! ahahahhahahaha

Anyway, if I get said job, I can pretty much guarantee far less posting. I've seen temp people offed just because they blogged about something at work. I'm not taking any chances. As much as I like to post, if I do post, it will only be about things far and away from work. Period.

Well, that's it for now. I'll let you know more as things develop.


A Tiring Thing

If you look to your right, you'll find a new link to a site I found today. It's The Secular Web. Their website has infidels in the URL. I find that funny. But anyway, letting you know about the new link is incidental today. I thought I have blogged about this before, but doing a little search I found nothing. So, for your pleasure, my rant.

As some of you know, I have been watching crazy fundamental videos regarding how evolution is bad for humanity and other similar things. Mostly its videos by either Ken Ham or Kent Hovind(btw, Kent is the worst of them) or someone who support them. They all suppose to have evidence showing how creation is right. They are all the same. And really I'm getting tired of watching them. Starting next week, I only have to review one of them damn videos a week. I can't wait. Really.

After watching these videos (over 80% of the DVDs don't play in my computer DVD-ROM which pisses me off to no end as I have to watch on the DVD player behind me, more of an annoyance than anything else) I have to write some stupid little critique on them. On almost every single one of them, I put in so little energy that I would be embarrassed to ever show them in public. I have a feeling that they will get out in the public eye as I have rationalized that there's no other reason for these things to be done anyway. If I ever do find one that's gone beyond this house, the fissure that has been in place between my in-laws and myself will become as huge as the Grand Canyon itself with no chance of mending. Meaning: I will not have anything to do them ever again.

The little energy I do expend on these things I make up with time in the reading of the sites like The Secular Web. There are a quite a few of them. Google is your friend if you want to find more. Of course, Dawn has been helping me find the sites as well. I've listed a couple on the links. I'm really happy that these sites exists otherwise I'd have almost no information when doing my critiques. My only problem is that there's soo much information. I'm actually getting tired of reading it all. I'm getting to a point where I don't care anymore.

I have spent a lot of time looking for little bits of information. Sure I'm unemployed right now and I have the time to actually do such things, but it's time I'd rather use to sit outside and watch the grass grow. Really. I don't know why I have to devote my life defending something I know through study and logical thinking is right. As for some of the more technical things discussed, there are hundreds of people for each subject that actually have a desire or need to defend it's correctness for the creation people. They are all very smart and devoted people, people like Richard Dawkins. They have the interest. I don't. At least not to a point of spending more than one hour a week (Nova) learning about evolution.

It's true that not caring can lead to bad things. Maybe that's the diabolical scheme, making me not care any more. Probably not. Unless a supernatural being of supreme power appears right in front of me, right now, my view of creation won't ever change. Evolution is the most likely theory that explains the multitude of life found on Earth today. I just don't care. I'm tired of seeing it. Let me live my life in how I see fit. Now go away. I'm busy watching grass grow.


The Con Report

Wow, over a week late with this. Oh well. What can I say, I suck.

Radcon 2005 was a pretty good time. I introduced two noobs to the con scene. They seemed to be sucked into it. I attended a few of the panels. I got to make a little piece of chainmail. Making chainmail is a whole like knitting: It's a lot of repetitious motions to make anything significant. I also attended a panel on falconer. It was mostly a Q&A though the larger falcon decided to demo it's pooping ability.

The night life was good too. The first night I was up until 4 or something like that. I was up at 8am or there abouts the next morning, or 4 hours as the case was. I turned in far too early on Saturday. My mind was saying that I needed to make up for lack of sleep the previous night so I fell asleep around 11:30pm. That was about the worst thing the whole weekend. Overall, it was a good weekend. It was also Dave's first Radcon. He seemed to have fun too. I'll probably take him back next year.

After the con was over, it was apparent that a lot of people were getting the flu. I was one of them. I finally got over it today. Unfortunately for Dawn, she caught it and it seems a bit worse for her. Hopefully it will blow over quickly.

Well, that's it for now...


The Con

Well, here it is again. President's Day weekend. And you know what that means, right? Students get Monday off? Banks are closed Monday? Yes, but more importantly: RADCON 4A is this weekend! Woot!! I can't believe I made it a whole nother year! It's crazy! That sweet, sweet Romulan Ale shall be mine! yessssss...

Today, I'm gonna go help do setup. It shall be fun. Yesssss...fun....Tomorrow I shall be going to the Red Lion in Pasco and start my weekend of enjoyment! Yesssss... Enjoyment....

If you see me there, be sure to say hi! If you don't see me there that means you're not there. What's wrong with you?! Ahem....Anyway, come out and enjoy the spunky, funky, clunky (clunky?) fun at Radcon! Its all weekend!


Something you didn't know about Superman

Superman is a dick. It's right here on the covers of Superman comics and spin off comics from the beginning. Who would have thought that the man of steal is also the man of asshats. Umm..yeah...Anyway, check out the covers. I couldn't stop laughing at a few of them.


Super Bowl Halftime show

Well, what a pleasant surprise. The Super Bowl was kind of good this year. The Eagles made a last ditch effort to win, but McNabb threw an interception with 9 seconds left on the clock. I was routing for them. Oh well. It was a good game nonetheless.

That half-time show was actually kind of good too. They only had Paul McCartney doing three or four of his songs. This was nice for two reasons: 1. He was doing it live. 2. There wasn't 20 different pop asshats up there singing a melody of their songs. Both of these were a pleasant surprise. Trying to find performers doing stuff live on TV is like finding a knowledgeable sales person at Best Buy. It's freaking rare. On top of being live, he did full versions of his songs, not a melody of 30 second clips of his collective hits.

It was a good change of pace for sure. While Paul is an old timer to me, I still enjoyed his music. Maybe next time they can get Dave Mathews Band :D


"A Lost Hope, A Star Wars Story"

As most of you know, I have a soft spot for Star Wars Fan Films. Some of them are pretty good. A lot of them are pretty bad. I am here to report one of the good ones. It's called A Lost Hope. It's a parody of Episode III. And it's funny as hell. Well, in that amateur kind of way. Anyway, thanks to Blue's News for posting the link. I always appreciate the great stuff I find there!


The next wave of Outsourcing

Well, will the stupidity ever cease? Nope, specially in Herminston, OR. A McDonalds along Highway 395 is outsourcing their drive thru order taking to some place in North Dakota because the minimun wage is lower. Well gee...why did they stop there? Why not go directly to India? All you'll have to deal with is seconds of delay and some person who you won't be able to understand 80% of the time. You know, one day, there won't be anybody left in the US to buy anything. The Government will have to implement one hell of Tourist Industry package to keep this coutnry a float. lol


My Entertainment

Sometimes, I have things I need to do. And when I do, I go to the two new links on my sidebar. Popcap games and Digitially Imported Radio.

Popcap has the best web games. I personally like Zuma and Bejewled 2. I have Bejewled on my cell phone, but it eats the battery pretty quick so I thought I'd go play it on my computer. So, if you need to go do something, stop here first and suddently you won't have time to do what you had to do in the first place.

At Digitally Imported Radio, I like to listen to the Euro Dance channel. If I need to think and work, I'll listen to the Trance channel. Down further you'll find a classical and jazz station. Also very pleasing to the ears.

Well, if you didn't finish something because of Popcap, don't blame me. I already blame me enough. :P


Puyallup at it again

Some kids had started a fundraiser for the Tsunami victions in Southeast Asia. Isn't that cool? Oh, wait, they were doing it Puyallup where Halloween can't be had anymore because of wicca activities, or something like that.

The boys were gonna start a video game tourny featuring none other than Halo 2. It was sure to gross a decent chunk of change of donations. But, the stupid school district nixed it. Why? Cause Halo 2 is too violent. Thanks to Fark to list the story. I'm sure it will get around fast enough.

Something else, real quick

Go here! Tee hee!

The Best Sushi in the World

I have finally found it. The best sushi in the world. And now, here it is, Twinkie Sushi. Enjoy!


Holy Sweet...

Here's some more disturbing news from the stupid front. The US might be planning an attack on Iran. That's just great, just fucking great. Yes world, come hate us some more. But we're in the right cause "God" is on our side. That last statement is kind of speculative but right up there with what the Dubba would say.

You know, instead of people running to the UK, Canada, Mexico, anywhere but within the US, people should be calling for impeachment. Last time I checked, a democracy was one of those "For the people, by the people" kind of thing. Bush was wrong in Iraq and now he's gonna be shifting the focus of wrongness to Iran. His wrongness needs to corrected by way of our legal system. Nixon got the ax for simply finding a way to get re-elected. Bush has killed at least a 1000 of our own plus who knows how many Iraqi and others. Don't you think there's a little difference here? I sure as hell do.


Acknowledgment, step one

I have a problem. The first indication that I had a problem was when I was denying it. I do this thing all the time. But no, it was a problem. It was at first hobby, a mere distraction to keep my mind off of the blahs of the modern day. But then, my hobby turned into an obsession. I needed it. I can't live without it. It's all I think about. When I sleep, I dream about it. When I'm awake, I dream about it. Yes, I have an addiction. I have an addiction to playing Halo 2 on XBox Live.

Last night, I played until 7am. I played, played, and played some more. I sucked at each game. There was the occasional 3rd or 2nd place win, but it was mostly 7th and 8th out of 8 players. My hands were cold. Everything thing was cold. But I played. I played until I thought I could win. I lost one game and thought I could do better the next game. But it never happened. I would start out well and end at the end. Or I would start out bad and end last. It didn't matter. I probably would have played until my eyes bled.

So, now that I acknowleged my problem, I will address it accordingly, by playing Halo 2 through the night, each night, until I am rank 13.


"Apply theory sticker here" -->

Couple of things tonight. Some of you might have heard that backwoodsy area Cobb County in Georgia (you know, that part that lost some war 150 years ago)has been ordered to remove those silly theory stickers from their bio text books that discuss evolution. It's about time they did that. I'm getting real tired of the creationist people trying to still push their crap on the world. I'm still looking at it today. I mean, come on guys! Come out from the 15th century to the 21st. *sigh*

Second, there's a huge discussion over at Slashdot about this same topic. Those boys and girls who read Slashdot really have some good brains on their shoulders. I applaud all the non-trolls there. *clap*


Another season, the same results

*sigh* So did you see the Seahawks screw up? I did. I saw everything cept for the last 21 seconds, you know, that time after Seattle couldn't convert on 4th down. Why do they even bother with getting a decent seed in the playoffs if they are just gonna piss it all away. I just don't understand Seahawk behavior.

I was really really grumpy yesterday. After the game that is. But then we went to my sister's house for my niece's birthday party. I felt better after that. Anyway, that's that for now. Lets all hope for a better season next year. *sigh*



It would seem that I have been doing a whole bunch of nothing in the last few weeks. I may have been playing Halo 2 but that's not productive. I look at the same websites, hoping for a new update, constantly. Again, not productive. I have been very lazy. I'm getting nothing done. All I want to do is sleep and play Halo 2. I'm getting tired of it. I need to fill my time with productive things. But when I sit in front of my computer, I just sit. *sigh* I dunno. Maybe I'm not cut out to be working with computers when computers seems like a vice to me. I'm also pissed all the time. I get agitated very easily. Frustration sets in. I can't get anything done. I'm going to sleep now. Maybe I'll have dreams of better times...


On the Job Front, again

*sigh* Got an email from Seattle company saying they didn't want to move forward with me. Isn't that typical. Oh well. I still have that local opportunity still in the queue. Either I'm hungry or sick to my stomach that I can't find a job....I think I'm gonna find a dark corner somewhere and hibernate for the rest of the winter.