
Crack and a pipe

Two totally unrelated items in my life...or are they?

I just posted up another link to some music I like to listen to. Japan-A-Radio features the latest Norwegian Viking music. Umm...no, more like J-pop and anime. For those of you who like streaming music, both di.fm and Japan-a-Radio use a newer technology called aacPlus. This streams out awesome quality sounding music at a bit-rate that people still on Dial-up *cough*AOL*cough* can enjoy. I like it because in theory it will have less drop outs and it's less bandwidth the hosts needs to pay out for.

So, it's all good. Oh yeah, you'll need to download Winamp 5.1 in order for you to use the aacPlus technology. I think it's worth it. In fact I'll probably download it at work tomorrow. Of course they may block the port after they discover a competing product is being used on their network. *smile*

And other topic, Seahawks are playing Sunday at one vs their division rival Rams, probalby their only compeition in the division this year. It should be a good time. Be sure to watch. And be happy I'm hundreds of miles away.

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