
To know your church is to know love

Damn those Texans! So arrogant and full of themselves. People who leave Texas, whom I know one, have good reasons to not go back. I'm not if it was a good idea to have them taken in by the union way back when. Anyway...

So, some church in Texas has soo many sheep that they need a freaking coliseum to "teach" its doctrine has actually bought a coliseum for their sheep. Check this out over at CNN.com. The former playing ground for the Houston Rockets is now a training ground for the weak minded. Does this bother me at all? Not in the least. They're in Texas while I'm still here in Washington. We're not part of Jesusland, remember? What bugs the hell out of me is a quote from their ignorant governor, you know the same state that gave us <sarcasm>wonderful President Dubya</sarcasm>. So, here it is if you haven't skipped right there to read it:

As lawmakers we do a lot of things, but only the church can teach people to love. - Texas Gov. Rick Perry

That's right Rick. Only the church can teach people to love. I guess I have live my whole life as a lie. The love I know is fake. And of course we all know this to mean only the Christian church can do this. If you're Muslim, you're SOL. If you have Buddha in your life, kiss your love for him goodbye.

I just don't get it. Why is it always with Christians that it's their way or they'll beat the snot out of you until you agree? I'm almost certain that not everybody in Texas are brainwashed. There are a few that actually think before speaking. Their governor just dropped his drawers over the minority, which include the above thinkers, and said "Like it!" He doesn't care. He'll get whatever next term they vote for. If I were one those poor souls in Texas who were just told that one of their basic human emotions doesn't exist, I would certainly up and leave. Go anywhere. Leave Middle-Jesusland and come to Canada...err I mean Western Washington.

I really don't know. Will critical thinking ever come to the majority in the US? It might not come about in my life time. I can only hope it comes in my son's.

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