
Staring down the face of EVIL

I dunno if you have ever attempted to do stare down EVIL before. I think I'm doing it right now. Taking multiple tests on a quarter and semester school system. Yes, that is EVIL. As you all probably know (and if don't, why don't you know?) I'm attending CBC and WSU at this point of my school career. You all also may know that CBC is on a quarter system. Knowledge of WSU being on a semester system may also be free information stored in your brain...somewhere. The EVIL part of all of this is the number and frequency of tests I have had this quarter/semester.

Let me present the facts: for Math 143, 4 regular and 1 final; for Bio 111, 2 regular, 1 semi-final; for MIS 372, 5 regular; for MIS 375, 2 regular. Some of you are now laughing at how incredibly whiney I am. Yes, this is a little whiney. I admit that. That's about the only thing I really do well in life. Well, there's others...wink wink nudge nudge. And then some of you are thinking, well, that's what you do in school, take tests. Yes, we take tests. That's what we do. We take tests and whine about it in our blogs later.

Now this quarter/semester has been unlike all my other periods put together. First and foremost, I'm actually studying for my tests. This is yet another sign of the end times. Again, have you repented? I offer repenting services on Friday and Saturday nights for a fee. The EVIL part of studying for my test is the amount of time I have to put in to study. It's just EVIL. For my bio tests, I have started studying two or three days before the test. I then write out 6 or 7 pages of double sided notes. How can this not be EVIL? I want to get carpal tunnel syndrome from typing a lot, not from writing. EVIL.

So, that's the amount of time I have to spend on each test, give or take two or three days depending on the test. Let's add up the total number of tests and find out the average number of tests per week given the start of CBC in September and the end of WSU in December. That's 15 tests total. 12 weeks from the beginning of CBC to the end of WSU minus the week for Thanksgiving. You can already see that there will be multiple tests per week. That results to 1.25 tests per week. But alas, we can't have .25 of a test at any given time. So, we have to round up to 2 tests per week!!! Yes, my stats are a little off, but I'm just showing how EVIL this is!

So, in conclusion, quarter/semester school systems need to be abolished and replaced with year round school, as soon as I get my degree. By going to a year round system, the average student could possibly only have about .3 tests per week. Now who couldn't argue with that? But you can't have .3 test per week, so in this case you have to round down because it's less than one. So that would come to zero tests per week. Now with that going on, what student would fail? Anyone who wants to question my rounding skills can sign up for my repenting services, offered Friday and Saturday nights, for a reduced fee, since you aren't really repenting. But if you want both, I'll give you the weekly deal!

As anybody who has gone to school can tell you, school is just EVIL. So I stare down EVIL on a daily basis. So, don't cry for me Argentina. Umm yeah.

Oh yeah, as an aside, the Seahawks won last Sunday 35 to 14 against the Lions. No big feat of skill, but a win is a win. This coming Sunday will be against the Ravens. Tied for first place with the Bengels at 5 and 5. Imagine that. Anyway, I think it's a 10am game on Fox. I hope for your support. And if you sign up form my repenting services for Saturday, I'll throw in the game for free!

Ok, well, that should make up for not posting yesterday. So, until next time.

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