Hmmm, it's a little after 2am in the morning. I'm chatting with the fellow from Florida that thinks it is fine to download commercial games for free. Several of you know I plan to maunver myself so I can get into the game industry. So, hearing that he takes these new releases just pisses me off to no end. Is this hypicritical of me? Perhaps a little as I have done my fair share of music sharing. Though I have yet to download, nor will I ever download an application that has been commercially released without that program being Freeware, Open Source, or shareware. Of course there's many subdomains of open source, but I think you get the picture. My main problem here is that he gleefully admits to downloading these programs with a big ass emote grin on his face.
He then begins a spiel about how wrong it is to charge between $50 to $1200 for various pieces of software. I tell him it all bubbles down to choice. The applications he rambles off are not a need, but simply want. A side thing to keep him entertained. I tell him he chooses to want to play these games. An example he gave was that of 3D Studio Max, a 3D graphic software used to make many of the 3D models used in many of the top games. He says that charging $1200 for it is unrealistic for him. I tell him the program is for large companies that don't want to spend millions of dollars in developing their own piece of 3D software that may or may not work the first time out. He then tells me that even that system is wrong. However, that's business. The financial gain of only spending $1200 per a license of 3D Studio max far out weighs the time and money spent in developing in house software. Discreet, the makers 3D Studio Max, knows this and thus makes it their business model. And it works for them. Another example was Doom 3. He wants to play that, he will have to spend the $50 for the game in addition to all the hardware upgrades (hmmm could you call that hardgrades?) which could potentially lead up to thousands of dollars to play it. His mentallity is since I have to buy said hardgrades, he'll just get the game for free. Yet another choice of him wanting to play the game, yet he feels he's being bilked out of house and home because he just wants to play a game. The game is bleeding edge so you have to buy the bleeding edge hardware to play, yet another choice to be made. Make it and deal with it.
I continue on with how most things in life are made of choices. He doesn't buy it. Nor does he understand what it really means to make a choice. He happens to be confined to a wheelchair. So what. You can make the choice to be mobile or not. So he chooses to spend $5000 for a decent wheelchair. Then he complains about how the companies are ripping him off by charging that much for the wheelchair. Well, he made the with it and everything it includes.
I've made the choice of going to school. I am now dealing with the finacial ramifications that came of it. It's a choice and I am living with it. Having thousands of dollars of debt is really a bad thing, but balanced with the outcome of the education, school will win every time.
Well, that's all for my ranting and raving. I know it's not a popular opinoin, but it's my opinion and it was my choice to share with you. I'm tired...and you're tired for reading yet another long post from yours truly. So, until next time.
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