Look at me!! I'm gonna be profound!! Check this out...
While catching up on my reading in the eating area at school, I noticed an older gentleman, walking his dog by the river outside. I took pause for a minute as this was far more interesting than what was in the bio book. Anyway, I observed him stretching his arms out, like he was trying to balance on something. Or he was an airplane. I'm thinking balancing. But anyway, I was wondering why he would be balancing at all. First off, I know that he was walking on the bike/ped path that runs along the side of the river. I couldn't see his feet, but I've been down there enough times to know what's there. I thought why he might want to do such a thing. Thinking for a few more seconds, nothing could come to mind. As most of you know, I'm all about the functionality of a decision. The benefits and consequeneces. Some people (you know who you are, Dawn) have even has gone as far at to call me an unfeeling robot. But here, I present proof that I am not a robot here sent to destroy you! *cough* anyway...
Suddenly, while watching him a little longer going further up the path, it kind of hit me. He was only doing it for fun. Doing something just for the hell of it. Because it's fun. Fun is something that is severely lacking, everywhere. This thought led to another thought. Yes, two kind of semi-coherent strings of words from my mind in one day. It is one of the signs of the End Times! I hope you have repented! This second thought was that without society, there could be more fun. But without society, we would defiantly not be where we are today. It simply cannot be done. And furthermore, there cannot be some happy medium where fun and a successful society can coexist. Case in point, we all have to work to live. Just to live in our society. There are very few that manage to have a job they consider fun. Another point is that if we were all having fun, there would be no garbage haulers, no water meter readers, no people to make copies at a moment's notice. I dunno about you all, but those are not fun jobs. So, what I'm saying here is that in order for society to exist, fun needs to bury itself under a rock and die.
I could be totally wrong here. I am human and have this terrible problem of being wrong, a lot. I am only going on what I know and assumptions I am making on my environment. This isn't all that ground breaking compared with the course of human history and quite possibly not even the first time it's been thought. See my previous post about how I'm the last to know about everything. However, it's new to me and it's something I will take into consideration while deciding things in the future. Provided that society doesn't beat me down!!!!
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