
In Other News...

Today I only have one class. My 7:30am instructor had a court date for her speeding ticket in a school zone. <rolls eyes> My 4:15pm instructor is at a conferece. That just leaves my 1:30pm class of Biology 111. We are finally getting into interesting stuff. Like the theory of diveristy, crossing over on the genes and the like. So much more interesting than what elements make up polypeptide chains. <snore> Too bad it's like near the end of the quarter. Hopefully next quarter will be more interesting.

Been playing Crimson Skies for the Xbox lately. I've been looking at some reviews and they are mostly if not all positive. Which is odd because I started playing the game before I read any reviews. And I liked it. It's a good arcade fun time! I still need to play it on a LAN to check out the multiplayer. I have to say that the single player story mode is very much repetitive. It's mostly "Oh no, here comes more baddies." However, the level design is far from bland. The levels are sometimes hard to navigate, specially the parts that take you underground. You quickly lose your sense of direction. Was that something they planned on? I'm not sure, but if they make another, I would like to see a way to get it fixed. The story line is pretty much linear, but on the big level maps, there are several missions you can do out of order or not do at all. The racing missions are fun. There is this one level which I can not do due to the above complaint of not knowing which way was up. If you have an xbox, and I know you do, go play it. It's a grand ol time!!

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