
Goals in sight

Well, about a month ago, I posted up that I was doing the diet thing again. I had posted up my goals of being at 190 by the end of December. Well, it is 12.27.2006 and I am at about 192 lbs. The last two pounds may or may not come off in time, but no matter. Deadlines are good to work to but it won't break me if I don't make it. Since I got my new driver's license in the beginning of October where I stated my weight to be 204, I have lost 12 lbs. This is all by eating less and playing DDR religiously.

Our apartment complex recently got in some spanking brand new weight/fitness machines in their fitness room. I intend in the new year to start using them. My legs have some muscle tone to them. My everything else, not so much. I still have a belly, though it's easier to conceal these days. ^_^

So, there you go. An update from the west side. Yay...


A Legend of Zelda retrospective

I really liked this. If you haven't played any of these games, go out and do it now! You may get spoiled watching this if you had plans on playing. The last segment of this video is particular geeky, organizing a timeline of the games. That is above and beyond the most geeky thing I have ever seen. Ok, it's probably not and I myself have probably done something even more geeky in my past life. *shivers* heh Enjoy and go buy yourself a Wii!


Diet, Redux

So, you all mostly know of my plight of diets over the years. I'm on and off again kind of guy. Well, I'm on again right now, since the middle of October. I'm sitting at about 199 right now. I have a goal of 190 by the end of December. It would be grand to be at 180 by the middle of February. Of course, if I don't meet these goals by my desired time frame, oh well. I'll keep on pushing for those goal weights as I think it's about time for me to fall off the growing trend in America.

Like past diets, I've only eaten less and done DDR at least 3 times a week. It seems to be doing the trick. About two weeks ago, I went from doing the light mode to the standard mode on DDR. I wanted to burn off a few more calories at each session. I think the standard mode is certainly doing its job. For eating, I decided that I would be a bit less strict on what I ate. I throw in some decent food a couple of times a week. I don't over do it on the decent food which I think is helping. I think this the meal on Thursday was the lightest Thanksgiving meal I have ever had, that I can remember at least.

I've been feeling better health wise recently. My company has a softball team that plays during the spring which I hope to get on, schedule permitting. I've always been pretty good at hitting a ball with a bat. That should be up my alley, err diamond. o_^

So, that's it for right now. As always, more later.


The God Who Wasn't There

Here's another well written documentary about my favorite subject. It's an hour long so grab your popcorn.


The Government: Doer of good

Sometimes the US government does good. 'Dr. Dino' was found guilty of Tax Fraud. Him and Richard Hatch should get to know each other well.

Kent faces up to 288 years in prison. Being a man of God, God should oblige him to face the whole sentence, touching Kent with immortality till he can finish up. hehe His wife faces up to 225 years for aiding and abetting. Yup, you God-fearing peeps out there, you best be Government-fearing when it comes to taxes.


One book down, a gazillion left to go

Would you believe that I finally finished a book of fiction? The other night, I read the final words in George R.R. Martin's book, A Game of Thrones. Yes, me! Me, the reader of sooo many tech books, I've lost count. I can almost guarantee that this is the first book that I have finished since almost 2002, maybe 2003. It's been so long that I have forgotten.

So, anyway, it was a very good book. If you like to squirm while you read. There's soo much evil things that makes you want to keep on reading to see if the evil continues. Yup, evil. Like "Meats of Evil" evil!

In other news, I will be in the Tri-Cities for the coming weekend. Grand, eh? I was going somewhere with this then...nothing. *sigh* Well, say hi if you see me. ^_^


Feeling a little blue

Beta Blogger has made it incredibly easy now to change up your blog without loosing changes you had to put into your template. If you haven't noticed, I've gone blue from that tanish looking color. I wasn't thinking well when I put that up. It easier to read, I think at least.

I also cleaned up the ol links and what not. I've added Videosift.com which I'm a heavy user of. I gots me a silver star there! ^_^ It's a site where users submit videos they think are good from around the Intertubes such as YouTube.com and Google Video. If you don't want to sift through loads of tripe, go to Videosift.com. You'll like yourself more for it.

Well, that's that for this Sunday morning.


I'm soooo converted

Like wow! The template system has gotten on overhaul! This smacks of Ajax like crazy! I love it! Kudos goes out to Blogger for something that's really customizable! Though I know this new power will be used for evil. I don't go to MySpace.com because of that evil. It's teh evil.

Oh yaay!! The spell checker has gotten an overhaul too! Blogger threw in the same looking spell checker as found in Google's toolbar and gmail client. I'm loving it! Yeah, I'm talking to you, Blogger!

The Converted

So I went ahead and done it. I converted. I converted to beta blogger. I feel the same. Nothing has changed. Weird.

Wait, what's that? Labels for this post? Woooooooo! I think I've seen the light! Beta Blogger will rock my world! Ok, not really.

The Lucky Horseshoe

Via: VideoSift

...or how prayer is superstition.


6 Months and 4 days

Yeah, it took them another 4 days to get out. They knew for a long time they had to go and it took them an extra 4 days. Oh, the idiot youth of today. Well, I guess it was the same 10-15 years ago as well. Anyway, they are finally gone. I totally expect graffiti to start showing up.

And now it's time to up the ante on the other side, the other neighbors which I know I have complained many a time on here. They had their music up tonight. It was soo nice a few weeks ago when it seemed they were on vacation or something. It was peaceful. The minute they got home, they played some loud music or movie. Fortunately, it was during office business hours. I called and complained. Their bass stopped and a little bit later, their door slammed as they left somewhere. ^_^ They also like to leave their garbage out by their door, too damn lazy to take it to the trash area. We have to smell it, look at it. It's terribly disgusting.

There is such a small percentage of idiots here that cause the majority grief. Stupid drivers, stupid neighbors, just stupid people. They all think what they are doing is better than what I'm doing. That is the problem with society. There's no community. And I place blame squarely on people like our ex-neighbors. hehe Cause I can. hehe


Six Months

Six months ago, our neighbors moved in. Tomorrow, they move out. About freaking time!

They were a bunch of punk asses. Petty criminals which the police knew about. Dressed like they were gangstas. Inconsiderate assholes who thought the world existed for them.

Much to my happiness, they are finally leaving. They have woken me up soo many times in the middle of the night over the past 6 months that I've just stopped counting. Twice this week they woke me up. Well, the second time was because of the police pounding on their door at 11pm. While I was tired, I had to listen on to what was going on. Not like I had a choice. They were on the other side of the bedroom wall.

So a chapter closes and I hope to some invisible force in the sky that the next tenants are from the swedish swimsuit team. Ok, not really cause that would be creepy. Japanese would be good. Ok, now I'm just creepy. Dressed in cosplay outfits. Really, really, really, creepy.

On another note, I will be down in the Tri-Cites at the end of October. Be scared. Or creeped out.


Pics of Old

So, I went looking through some of my old pics that I've kept around on my computer for years and found this one.

This is Raphael. My cat from when I lived at home with my parents. He was a good cat. Sometimes I miss him. He would always sleep on my water bed, knead his claws into my tummy, and be ever so relutant to give out his purrs. He was a good cat. Its funny we named him after the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which were popular when we got him.

This is Calla. She was more my sister's cat. She was a good cat too. She was very hairy though. *sigh* I'm gonna have to get a cat when we get our own house.

This is a picture of perch. I believe we got these at Potholes. The one in the middle is the one I caught. I tell the truth. The big one did not get away that day. I haven't been fishing in years. I'm probably out of practice now.

Well, them are the pics I want to show. Cats and fish. *sigh*


God should be an atheist?

In news, in the Journal of Religion & Society, a new study was published saying there's a strong correlation between religion and anti-social behavior. In other news, there's a journal covering religion and society.

Seriously though, this study is just more evidence for Richard Dawkins to eat up and give out in one if his documentaries and/or books. I'd read/watch it, if I had the time. Of course, according to the study, the japanese are rank one with the most atheists vs the least amount of violent crime. You wouldn't believe that watching their TV shows. hah Of course, the US is near the bottom of this list too, as well as this other survey about evolution belief. We, I mean the crazies probably in the south who among other things voted for Taylor Hicks (I'm sure this is a fallacy but it's funny to think there's a relationship there), just barely beat out Turkey. *sigh*


Star Wars: The Musical, One Season More

Sometimes, there's fan written crap that's well...crap. Then there is actual cream of the crop, rising to the top fan material that's just screams to be watched. Here is one such instance. One Season More. Please watch. I'm not one for musicals but I thought this was pretty good.


State Transition

It seems I haven't posted anything with substance for a long time. So I'll take a few minutes out of my not so busy Sunday night to post something.

Well, where do I begin. I guess I'll start with my job. This week will see my first full month as a full time employee anniversary. I'm stoked. Not really but I'm happy that I have a job which could last a long time. So far it has been all reading with little actually doing anything. That's cool though. The only thing I would change about the position would be the inclusion of more of my peers. I'm pretty much one of a kind there. Again, it's all good. I'll deal and make it into something positive.

We actually left the house this weekend. We went to this park along the Sound in Edmonds. Someone at work let me know about it. He called it a beach and in a technical definition of the word, it was a beach. However, it was really rocky. Very little in the way of sand. And it smelled but it was low tide and seaweed was all over the place close to the water. I took some video of our time there. It wasn't terribly exciting so I think I will collect some more footage of stuff and then make a "super video."

Last weekend I spent some time to get some better cooling in my computer. I found that when I was making that first video I had posted, it would lock after about 3 or 4 minutes into creating the final video. I tracked it down to my CPU overheating, getting above 70 degree Celsius which is bad. The plan was to cannibalize another computer I had for the case (it had a fan port on the back) and an extra fan. I spent that Saturday morning doing it all and it only cost my one dollar to get the CPU temp down by about 4 or 5 degrees. That's enough to where I haven't seen any more locking problems. The one dollar was for the screws to attach the fan to the case. I just walked around the corner to a local computer shop to get them. I think I will buy systems from them should I ever get to that point of doing so.

I haven't really been playing any kind of games lately. I have been playing several hours of Guild Wars a week with Dave, though. My character is weak and dies alot. Without Dave's fighter character, I would die a lot more. It's pretty good for the most part. Though he has this thing for the PvP area of the game while I prefer the RPG side. Is my age showing?

Speaking of age, yet another birthday for me is in sight. The end of the month and I'll be turning 31. Yay. Yay for me. Probably not going to do anything. No party, no gifts, no nothing. Just another day for government statical information. Yay.

Ack, I seem I could be going on forever here so I'll cut myself here and save the rest for another day. Sayonara...


Hate for the FSM

Yeah, it's late, pass my bedtime, but I had to post this now or I would forget. Anyway, y'all know about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, right? RIGHT?! I mean ARRRR?! Ok, good. Here's a nice blog about the hate mail directed to the fine gentleman who created the fictitious character. Some people just aren't rational. Well, here it is. Enjoy!


Presenting: North Creek Park

My YouTube.com directorial debut. After a 13 year long hiatus, I decided to come back to making videos. Here it is, in all it's dull glory. After I get my computer up to snuff, expect some more. ^_^


The Suffering

Because I like to see my readers suffer and I just haven't posted anything in a long while, I present this fine video from YouTube.


The Working Man

Yup, I'm working. My last contract ended just last Friday. But I'll be working again starting on this Thursday. This new gig isn't a contract. It's a full on full time job. teehee! There's a lot of good things that comes along with this new job. First of all, it's along my career path, software engineer. Second, it's closer as it's in Everett. Along with that one is that I probably won't have to worry about traffic as I'll be going into Everett at 7:30 in the morning and not into Seattle or Redmond. I'll also get vacation. :) Man, vacation!! Paid even! That's just a few things that drew me to this position. I'm gonna learn a butt load but it's gonna be worth it. ^_^


Another youtube video

God is a DJ. This was pretty good. Have yourself a look.


Richard Dawkins and the non-thinking

I haven't seen all of this but Richard Dawkins is a man that needs to be heard. I want to bookmark this so I can watch it later. You all can see it at your leisure as well. Here are parts one and two courtesy of Google Video: Part 1 and Part 2.

Feel free to watch and comment.


Stuff and crap

Uno has made it to XBox live for the Xbox 360. I find I'm addicted to it. We currently have two 360 games, Kameo and Ghost Recon (borrowing both), and I'd rather play Uno. It has some problems like I wait 30 or more mins to play a game and when it starts a game, it hangs. Both are annoying specially when they are combined into I wait 30 mins to find other players and then it doesn't start. That angers me. >_<

Dawn is currently ranked high teens while I'm around 560 or something. I strive to beat her at ranked games, but alas I don't think I'm destined to do it. I'm currently ahead of her in the TrueSkill ranking. I'm 26 and she's 25. I have mad l33t skillz. ha

In other news, I finally got a USB cable to connect our camcorder to my computer. I can now transfer video and edit it and crap. The free tools that came with the camcorder sucks major ass but that's all I got to use right now. I'm planning to shoot a very short film with Dave and myself as the stars. It's gonna suck. hahaha Look for it later on youtube or maybe even google video.

Finally, I noticed that I stopped getting hits from search engines. My last one I got was from 5.18. What up with that? My blog isn't a spam blog. It's not! I'm not selling enlargement pills! I'm not! Really!! You gots to believe me!

Ok, this is finally. Remember the Indy 500 is tomorrow. Watch it! Watch it for the kids sake!


Ian McKellen is my hero!

Oh snap is right! I'm gonna go see this movie just for Ian! I love you man!


The best Star Wars/Lord of the Rings mashup you'll see...Today!

Just wait it out. You'll like me more for it. ^_^


E3 Trailers

For those of you unlucky enough to not have an Xbox 360, here's a link to the teaser trailer for Halo 3. For those of you unlucky enough to live under a rock, here's the link to Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii (pronounced 'we'). And because good things comes in three's, here are some links to Spore: Here and here. Thanks E3! See ya again next year!


Double your Star Wars Pleasure

Woooo! I can link to youtube!! Fresh on the heals of some good news, some better stuff comes out! Dave will like this one feerrrr surreeee! o_O



...My new blog! Check it out if you're worthy...or bored. It's on the sidebar just in case you seem to have misplaced this post. Be prepared for more wordy posts.


Weeee! err I mean Wii!

The Revolution is over! Bring on the Wii!

WTF?! Wii? Yes, Wii. The Nintendo Wii. It sounds freaking sweet though! Backward compatible with Gamecube titles and 20 years of older Nintendo, Sega, and Turbo Graphix-16 titles will be available for download. Holy freaking Christ! I can relive my childhood once more! hahahhaha But no school!! hahahhahahhaha!!!!

So, I think I will certainly be getting one of these things long before an Xbox 360. Yeah, all you xbox fan boys can suck it! Ahem...sorry for the fanboyism. But anyway, I'm totally looking forward to Nintendo's new console. The new controller has a lot more going than the stuff from MS or Sony. Some say it will hit in September. We shall see though. I think I will pre-order one though. I'm not gonna be left out in the cold come this fall. ^_^


Klaus - Forklift Maniac

So, I was over at wikipedia, looking at a list of movies where people get killed in. I was surprised to see Agent Cody Banks on that list. I guess Dave won't be watching that one. Anyway, looking down the list, I found this gem called Forklift Driver Klaus - The First Day On the Job. It's German, gory, and full of dark humor. I want to see the whole thing now.


Can't procrastinate this!

I think I've seen one too many lame jokes about how I will post about this later (d'oh! I still got one in) so I won't, or try not to. Here's an article about a few tools you can use to beat procrastination. I haven't tried any but to a thinking person, they seem logical. There's certainly lots I can delay doing just because they are my own personal projects with no real meaning other than for learning purposes. However, the time boxing and "begin it" tools seems like they would help me the most. I'll see what they can do.


A new round

Well, it would seem that I managed to get me another contract up here. Just a 2-3 month jobber ( O RLY? ) where I'll be doing testing for a company in Seattle. Should be fun. Their office is all brightly colored. ^_^

I had submitted my resume to a position at Microsoft which I could have had a phone interview had I not accepted the offer today. It would have been with the SQL Server group which seemed interesting. But I figured that having a job now is worth more than only having a phone interview. This way I have a job and getting 3 more months of EXP. I just may go up to level 2! lol

So, that's me right now. I start on Monday. So, here's to working...again!


Staged Dance

Well, I'm not sure what to call this guy, but looking at his videos, he seems really fake. He's Shawn Seamus and he seems like he's trying to audition to get on to a show like The Daily Show with Jon Stewart or some other fake thing. I found him off of Kotaku where they had a link to a video showing how he doesn't know how to play DDR at all. Youtube is still down so I haven't been able to see the video but from the description, he seems really lame. More lame than Michael Flatley.

On a related note, does Chris Pirillo like DDR? I don't know. ^_^


More Later

Well, later has happened. Dawn is home now. She's feeling a lot better now. I think on Tuesday, she begins out-paitent dialysis some where here local. The plan is for her to go down to the Tri-Cities here soon to live with her parents while I try to find a job. Not fun times, I'll tell you. We'll get though it I guess.

Well, that's all I got right now.


A Tough Time

As some of you know already, Dawn was admitted into the hospital late Monday night. Her kidney's don't work so good no more. I apologize for not calling everybody, I find it difficult to keep up with just our family.

She's doing better as of today. She has started dialysis treatments yesterday and will probably continue on till Saturday. After that it will be 3 times a week until a kidney transplant. I would like to thank George W. Bush for limiting stem cell research to hardly anything useful in the United States. But that's an aside for a later time...

She's kind of in good spirits. If anybody would like to send a message to her via email, I'd be happy to print them out for her. She'd be happy to hear from you all. Feel free to send her c/o invadersil at gmail dot com. I will be sure to get all messages to her.

I love her very much...and right now, I miss her just as much. Anyway...more later I guess...


Math it up!

Do you like math? Find school had totally killed whatever thrill math brought you? Do you want to feel like your best nerd friend who can recited 3000 digits of pi? Well, now you can! With this amazing link!

It slices! It dices! It gives you why schools suck at math!

Ok, the informercial is over. Seriously though, trek over to that link to see one man's opinion on how math should be learned. Here's one thing that made me go "duh!!":

...You could figure it out because you know that division is just repeated subtraction.

WTF?! It is!!! Thanks to the web, I'm getting wiser in my old age. ^_^


Kennewick Man...

...has made the front page of CNN.com! Hurry quickly before they move it off! Here's the link to the full story just in case you missed.


Wil Wright

*sigh* Wil Wright...Spore...*drool*...see the demo via Google Video.

You will buy this game. If your computer is too wussy to play it, you will buy a new gaming machine. You will play this game.


Memory Wipe

So, shortly after my last post, I went a poking around in my mobo manual to see what I could find out about my memory. There was nothing concrete about it really. There was a paragraph describing SDRAM and there was a number for voltage, 2.5 volts. So, being curious, I popped open the old BIOS to see what my voltage was set at. It was auto setting to 2.7. I thought that was odd it would autoset to 2.7. After some trial and let sees action, I decided to bite the bullet and manually set the voltage to 2.5, knowing full well that things could come a crashing down upon my head.

I changed the setting to 2.5, saved it, and rebooted. I sat there, half-expecting fire and brimstone spewing from my computer case. Fortunately, the familiar boot up screen came up, with it's ever so long RAM checking spiel going. I normally skip the whole checking part but I was paranoid and let it run to completion. Diablo himself did not roar to life, dragging me to pits of fiery inferno, disco even. Windows XP booted normally. I was frankly surprised that it worked.

Anyway, since then, I have not experienced any locking and I've been trying my damnest to get it to. The first thing I tried was run a demo of Star Wars: Empire at War which had some intense processing going on. Next, I had winamp streaming music, iTunes playing music, and two instances of youtube.com playing videos all at the same time. All of the multimedia instances would normally have locked at some point running by themselves. Having them all going at the same time should have caused a BSOD and reboot. Much to my happiness, it has not. So, now I ask myself, is my RAM damaged from running at 2.7 volts ever since it sat foot in my case? The obvious fact that I am typing this from my keyboard still connected to the same case I have had for two upgrades is saying that there is no damage. Time shall tell. Though it would be nice to have 1 Gig of RAM. During this whole thing, I noticed that I use up quite a bit of RAM just by using Firefox and other dinky apps.

For the time being, my RAM issue has been fixed, so says Poop Dog! The Gangsta Spectre of Defeat! Err...nevermind. I've had this particular set up for about two years as well. To bad I never got more annoyed with this issue before.


A time for Remembrance

Actually it's more like a time for new memory...RAM to be precise. Stupid computer locked twice tonight. Both times watching Fullmetal Alchemist on youtube.com I'm pretty sure it's my RAM. It could be a heat issue as well. While looking at RAM tonight, I discovered that some RAM comes with heat spreaders. I have never seen these before and I'm sure mine do not have them. Generally my machine will lock up randomly, even when I'm not using it. Most of the time, it's when I'm listening to music or watching videos of stuff. Considering that my machine is fine after a reboot, heat probably isn't the issue. I had issue with Win98 dieing all the time and the same with WinXP. I've had the same pieces of RAM for several years. I've gotten a new hard drive as well so that probably isn't it either. The Mobo might be at issue as well. Though again, my machine is hunky dory after a reboot. I'm really leaning towards the RAM.

So, I'm looking at buying some RAM. I'll probably bump it up to around 1GB this time around. Try to pump out a little more performance before I take it out to pasture.

In other news, I had an interview with a web app company in downtown Seattle on the 25th floor of this tall building. It had at least 30 floors. The elevator was super quick! Going down, if it had gone any faster, it probably would have felt like you were weightless. Anyway, the position sounds good as there's room for lots of growth which would be really nice. ^_^

In other-other news, Radcon was fun. Boring during the day though. I didn't even play Munchkin at all. *cries* I also got slightly sick. Sore throat for the last couple of days. I'm waiting for it to go into my nose.

Well, everybody Wang Chung tonight!



So, debate over ID and Evolution at Radcon. News at 11.

WTF?! Last year they get a table and records our doings suspiciously. Now they get floor time? I truly want to vomit.


Releasing the anger safely

*sigh* I had soo much hope for Seattle. But they shot themselves in the foot. Fumbles, interceptions, and most damning of all, fouls. Three drives were cut short because of fouls. Three drives that were scoring opportunities. I stopped watching with about 8 mins left in the fourth. If they win, haha on me for not watching the whole thing. I won't feel bad about it though. I can only watch things self-destruct so long before I red-out due to anger.

So yeah, what good came out of this? Seattle got to the Super Bowl for the first time in their 30 year history. Congrats are in order for that I suppose. But the way they played today, it was a different shade they showed during the regular season. Oh well. What am I going to do about it? Wait another years I guess. It did take Denver 3 or 4 trips to the big game before they won. The Colts haven't been there recently and they play well every season only to choke in the playoffs. So yeah, kudos to Seattle for at least making it to the end. Maybe next year, huh?


Seattle Sucks?

Man, Steeler fans are really jerks. Someone keeps on looking up "Seattle Seahawks Sucks" and finding my blog. Yes, I wrote that two years ago but on the exact same subject. Someone found my blog looking for those terms. So, I really don't know about you all. Anyway, the Hawks play on Sunday in the Super Bowl! :) Watch....for the kids!

A stormy time

It was a dark and stormy night...

Well, tonight it will be and probably into tomorrow afternoon. Might get some power outages. I went out and bought a mini-lantern and some more batteries. The power has only gone out here once since we've lived here. The last time we had to use this tool that had a light at the end of it and our cell phone for light. Talking about not being prepared. I'm thinking of getting a hand-cranked light so we're not dependent on batteries. I didn't have a lot of money to spare right now as I had to pay for a few things that I don't normally pay every month like an eye doctor exam and utility (we actually pay that once every two months). *sigh* I will probably get some supplies with some of that tax refund. I can probably wait on new tires for a bit.

Oh yeah...SEAHAWKS PLAY ON SUNDAY!!! Please watch...for my sake. ^_^


Fear of Girls

Care of Digg.com and Google Video: Fear of Girls. Thanks. :)



Radcon, I'll be seeing you in three weeks!


Two Things

One: THE SEATTLE SEAHAWKS ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111!!!!!!!!111

Two: I've lost just about 9 pounds on me diet. And I can touch me toes a lot. And DDR is about to be funner when I bump it up to standard. ^_^


My Toes!

I can now do a stretch where I can touch me toes! Yay! Only took a couple weeks of DDR and stretching to get me there. So all is good on the diet front. Lost just about 6 pounds since I started. Though I think E-Diets is trying to starve me.

So they provide me with a menu and shopping list. Both will list the number a calories in a certain frozen food. However, the menu is saying a certain amount of cals while the actual product is saying something lower. Lies!! I tell you!!!

Ok, I'm not really complaining...that much. It's just like I don't like the hungry feeling when I approach the next meal. But oh well. It's all good. By the time Radcon comes about, I should be lighter than I was last year. And if I don't get to go to Radcon...I'll cry...I'll still be a "sexy beast". hahaha I mean really!


1600x1200 Resolution

Pixels has nothing to do with this post.

So, I guess I should update on the weight loss res-oh-lution for 2 Oh Oh 6. Yeah, I don't know what I'm typing either. But anyway, I've lost about 3 to 4 pounds already. I'm feeling a little hungry each day. I think I'm not getting my full diet as dictacted by E-Diets. I'm also doing DDR for at least 30 mins 3 days a week which isn't in my diet plans. So I could be messing myself all up. But who cares!! I'll be light and prancy(?) for Radcon...Oh yeah, there's a good chance I'm going to Radcon this year. :)