
A Tough Time

As some of you know already, Dawn was admitted into the hospital late Monday night. Her kidney's don't work so good no more. I apologize for not calling everybody, I find it difficult to keep up with just our family.

She's doing better as of today. She has started dialysis treatments yesterday and will probably continue on till Saturday. After that it will be 3 times a week until a kidney transplant. I would like to thank George W. Bush for limiting stem cell research to hardly anything useful in the United States. But that's an aside for a later time...

She's kind of in good spirits. If anybody would like to send a message to her via email, I'd be happy to print them out for her. She'd be happy to hear from you all. Feel free to send her c/o invadersil at gmail dot com. I will be sure to get all messages to her.

I love her very much...and right now, I miss her just as much. Anyway...more later I guess...

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