I haven't seen all of this but Richard Dawkins is a man that needs to be heard. I want to bookmark this so I can watch it later. You all can see it at your leisure as well. Here are parts one and two courtesy of Google Video: Part 1 and Part 2.
Feel free to watch and comment.
Man, Richard Dawkins is harsh. It's no holds bar for him. But that's all good. You got to have a good critical mind to see through the bull crap of the world.
Thanks for the vids, Keith! Yeah, I'm thinking Dawkins might be a little too harsh, even if he is correct...
Because the sad but true fact is (at least in my world) that many people NEED religion, a sense of eternal justice (that life is fair on some level) and afterlife belief to get by... and while science is great, it can't provide a suitable replacement for such things.
Not to mention that if you are out there yelling about how religion is evil and should go away completely, you'll create a huge backlash. People will think you're an extremist, a facist, or worse, and you'll just encourage the protective aspects of these memes that tell their hosts they are martyrs, victims, and persecuted by the "majority." Not very helpful for the immediate here and now... when the planet is running a fever and all...
(end rant) :)
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