
Taking the "cool" out of School

You're left with sh. Anyway, a school district up in Puyallup has said that students don't get to dress up for Halloween. Takes away from the learning they say. But don't you have to have learning first before you can take it away? I really don't want to get into imaginary numbers here. School was never fun and now, for some kids in Puyallup, it will be like living in prison. Oh? What's that you say? The schools look just like a prison, metal detectors and all? Wow...

Ok, that's the dirt...I only dish it out.


Katrina Gutleben said...

I heard that some districts right here in the great state of Washington have no recess policies! Too much liability or something.

Good thing too, since there is no recess in the 'real world'! Wouldn't want kids prepared for anything less that drudgery, you know!

Anna said...

While I support and admire your position you are a little wrong on some of your facts. The district banned Halloween because recieved too many complaints from several religions especially the Wiccans. The Wiccans are offended by the holiday because they are technically witches.

And yes, Tacoma plans to outlaw recess next year.

Keith said...

That's funny as I've heard that the wiccans have no beef with halloween. But whatever. Besides, Halloween has existed for a long time for wiccans decideds to say anything about it....seems werid to me.

calculon said...

What a bunch of douchebags!!! Wiccans and Christians and everyone else needs to just get over it. Who cares?! It's Halloween for christ sakes! Let kids have fun. And getting rid of recess? That's the best part of the day!