

What can I say other than it sucks. Most of you know of our plight. I won't bore you with the past. But today, my car just barely started. I noticed it yesterday not giving it's all on ignition. And today, it barely cranked over. Fortuantely it's probably just the battery. But it might as well be the transmission cause right now $40 is no different to $1000. This on top of everything else really puts a whole kink on life right now. I haven't even gotten any interviews for minimum wage jobs. I haven't gotten anything...I don't have anything...

So yeah, being alive sucks right now. Really, really, really sucks.


Katrina Gutleben said...

Hey, I could give you some money but you'd have to do me some pretty big favors! ;) and it won't involve watching religious videos that's for sure!

Keith said...

oh! but I love watching religious videos!!

Mir said...


have you thought about using one of those temp agencies for temp office work? Those definitely pay more then minimum wage.

Keith said...

Actually I have, it's just in our area, they all don't have anything. I'm going to one of them today to take a test though. Maybe that will pan out, maybe it won't.