It's me again. *SPOILER* Time for me to whine some more. If you want to stick around, cool. If not, please see me in full color goodness on my webcam.
So, I was reading some threads on this morning. I was reading about how people who have degrees who have been looking for jobs for 2 or 3 years and how their current job is at fast food joints. It's very bleak. See, 2 or 3 years is too long to wait for a job that will pay for all your bills and have some left over for food and misc. It's really depressing.
It doesn't help when you have companies that have policies of posting jobs to positions that have preferred internal candidates. It's a waste of my time to do up a new cover letter and spiff up the resume for a position that has no chance of external light. They could at least put on the posting that "This is a preferred posting. You can apply, but it may not help your sorry ass. Have a nice day!" Wouldn't that just be grand?
Anyway, the options are getting slimmer everyday. My patiences wears thinner. I have decided that work in manual labor such as forklift/warehouse is out of the question for me. Sure that scrunches my job possibilities, but after having a person I know killed at a place I used to work at involving forklifts, I'll live with the consequences. Food service is mostly out as well. I've held two food service positions and each one was thankless from managers and customers, well most customers. I've only had one stint in retail, but it left a bitter taste in my mouth. It's something that I'd do again, only if things prove to be the end.
Yeah, so that's that. I really don't know what to do other than keep on sending out resumes and learning stuff on the sly. It's been 4 weeks now since my internship ended. Hopefully some windfall will happen and the events and times of my life will improve. Or some wind will fall a tree on my head. Can I say anything about breaking wind? No? Oh, ok.
Well, that's it for now. I think I'll go "borrow" that bottle of rum I got for my father-in-law now.
Now _I'm_ depressed.
So, what your saying is that college would be a very illogical next step for my husband?
Not nessarilly. Maybe by the time he finishes up, the job market will have cleared up. Always in motion the future.
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