
Damn my bad self!

Ok, I'm doing up my database now. Not right now cause I'm doing this post. Anyway, in the beginning when I first thought of it, being a computer science student I was gonna make it all "gee-whiz-bang". Now, it pains me that I didn't start on the forms and stuff earlier cause now it gonna suck major eggs! It's gonna be just a shell of what it could be. *cries* I blame that damn bio lab write-up I had to do which I couldn't finish until Sunday. grrrrr another reason to hate bio. heh Actually, historically, Thanksgiving break has always been a bad week for me. Last year I went clubbing, not clubbing of senior citizens or baby white seals, but to the local club scene. Time I could have spent doing my last graphics project which I didn't do cause I was stupid and picked this organic thing to model. Tip for you first year graphic students who have to model 3D object without a 3D modeling application, do something that has lots of straight lines. Ok, back to my bad self. This last week, I spent two days cooking, and the days before wondering what I should cook.

Ok, well time's a ticking away on my DB project. So, back to that.

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