
Ack, it's a blackout!

Damn it to all hell. Blackout for Seattle's game tonight. If you live within 75 miles of the game, you're screwed. Though I understand that the Seahawks lost. Probably not an interesting game. heh It's only preseason. But I continue to get blackout games for the regular season, I'm gonna be pissed! I can't live without my Seahawks! I'm much to cheap to actually go to the games. *sigh* Oh well. We shall see.


calculon said...

I'm going to the Seahawks game against Atlanta on Sept. 18th with my father-in-law. Should be fun.

Goombah said...

That's too bad that the Seahawks game was a blackout.

Melonary said...

Maybe you should move back to Tri-Cities, hee hee hee.