
A Tiring Thing

If you look to your right, you'll find a new link to a site I found today. It's The Secular Web. Their website has infidels in the URL. I find that funny. But anyway, letting you know about the new link is incidental today. I thought I have blogged about this before, but doing a little search I found nothing. So, for your pleasure, my rant.

As some of you know, I have been watching crazy fundamental videos regarding how evolution is bad for humanity and other similar things. Mostly its videos by either Ken Ham or Kent Hovind(btw, Kent is the worst of them) or someone who support them. They all suppose to have evidence showing how creation is right. They are all the same. And really I'm getting tired of watching them. Starting next week, I only have to review one of them damn videos a week. I can't wait. Really.

After watching these videos (over 80% of the DVDs don't play in my computer DVD-ROM which pisses me off to no end as I have to watch on the DVD player behind me, more of an annoyance than anything else) I have to write some stupid little critique on them. On almost every single one of them, I put in so little energy that I would be embarrassed to ever show them in public. I have a feeling that they will get out in the public eye as I have rationalized that there's no other reason for these things to be done anyway. If I ever do find one that's gone beyond this house, the fissure that has been in place between my in-laws and myself will become as huge as the Grand Canyon itself with no chance of mending. Meaning: I will not have anything to do them ever again.

The little energy I do expend on these things I make up with time in the reading of the sites like The Secular Web. There are a quite a few of them. Google is your friend if you want to find more. Of course, Dawn has been helping me find the sites as well. I've listed a couple on the links. I'm really happy that these sites exists otherwise I'd have almost no information when doing my critiques. My only problem is that there's soo much information. I'm actually getting tired of reading it all. I'm getting to a point where I don't care anymore.

I have spent a lot of time looking for little bits of information. Sure I'm unemployed right now and I have the time to actually do such things, but it's time I'd rather use to sit outside and watch the grass grow. Really. I don't know why I have to devote my life defending something I know through study and logical thinking is right. As for some of the more technical things discussed, there are hundreds of people for each subject that actually have a desire or need to defend it's correctness for the creation people. They are all very smart and devoted people, people like Richard Dawkins. They have the interest. I don't. At least not to a point of spending more than one hour a week (Nova) learning about evolution.

It's true that not caring can lead to bad things. Maybe that's the diabolical scheme, making me not care any more. Probably not. Unless a supernatural being of supreme power appears right in front of me, right now, my view of creation won't ever change. Evolution is the most likely theory that explains the multitude of life found on Earth today. I just don't care. I'm tired of seeing it. Let me live my life in how I see fit. Now go away. I'm busy watching grass grow.


Katrina Gutleben said...

But you know, to some, the mere fact that grass GROWS is evidence of creation! MWAA HAA HAA HAA

Keith said...

Alright, you're banished! Begone from my secular world!

calculon said...

Can you sneak me copies of said videos? I would love to see them, for a good laugh!

Keith said...

Actually, it would be fairly easy to get a copy to you. He makes copies of them for everybody. He carries the ammunition for the war.