Some of you might be wondering what the the hell is that new set of links on the right titled "Gift and Shower Day List". Well, my friends, there's a story behind it. But you don't have to sit down for it...Trust me.
Two years ago, Dawn and myself were getting ready for Christmas. Well, more like thinking of getting ready for Christmas. It was fast approaching and nothing was done. Not a big deal. If you really think about it, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ. Yay. Why did we want to celebrate the birth of some being that represents things that we don't believe? For years, I had celebrated it just to get gifts. Yes, I was a little bastard child. I'm sure most of you have heard tales of me being a bastard. I'm surprised my dad still talks to me.
Anyway, the day arrived. On this particular morning, we were scheduled to go the in-laws for some festive activities...watching Dave open his presents. We both needed showers so we both jumped in at the same time to conserve time. Over the course of the shower, one of us, I'm thinking it was Dawn, thought up the phrase of "Gift And Shower Day" as a replacement title for the celebration of the 25th day of December. It made sense. We were taking a shower together and later gifts would be had. It was very forward thinking. The tradition continued to the next year. Gift and Shower Day happened again on December 25th.
So probably until some undisclosed date in the future, December 25th will be known as Gift and Shower Day within our household. We don't believe in Xmas's first reason of Christ's birth and we have told Dave that Santa Claus is nothing more than a fictional character. At first, I was disappointed Dawn had told him about Santa. Santa is a huge part of kids life. There were some cool Xmases I remember that involve presents from the jolly fat man. However, as I think about it now as an adult, if you start believing such a white lie of Santa Claus as a child, you can start believing anything else as well. Anything. It's better to grow up in world removed from lies than living under a rock of untruths. Yeah, pretty profound for sure.
Anyway, that's the story. We do Gift and Shower Day instead of Xmas. We celebrate being alive. And getting fresh and clean.
We opted not to perpetuate the Santa Myth as well. But our reasoning was that we prefer to get proper credit for all the gifts we give the kids. Maybe that's selfish.
Of course Kathrynn refuses to believe us and so she's dissappointed on Christmas because Santa didn't bring her any presents.
Can't win either way.
Life. The Ultimate Gift!
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