
Waking up to Christmas

It's that time of year again. Time to go shopping. Time to drink egg nog. And certainly time to listen to christmas music. Yes, all the classics can be heard on the airwaves such as: Jingle Bells, First Noel, Christmas In Hollis. One of my fave newer ones is Trans Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)". I just love the newer sound to the classic song. While these are all nice to hear when you're fully awake, it's not something you want to listen to when you first wake up.

Right now, our clock alarm is set to 97.5 which used to be OK 95. In November, they switched to 97.9. That's all fine and dandy (please go listen to them, much better than 98.3 the Key and you can listen to them on the Internet through the above link). However, I'm to lazy to switch the radio station. Now that it's after thanksgiving, 97.5 is playing constant christmas music until christmas. Now, every morning when I use the alarm to wake up, I get an earfull of christmas music. That music makes me want to get up as fast as I can to turn it off. It works quite well actually.

Man, I think I hit a wall or something. I guess that's all I got right now. Remember, if you want to wake up in the morning, set your alarms to 97.5 and get Xmas music piped to your mind. Wakes you up like coffee.


Katrina Gutleben said...

I think all things Christmas should be banned until December 1st.


Melonary said...

I like Christmas Music!

calculon said...

I agree. They shouldn't start Christmas music until at LEAST the day after Thanksgiving. That's what the oldies station used to do. This year they started on Nov. 16!! That is just too early to switch over to being the Christmas station. Now I have to wait until the day after Christmas to hear oldies on the radio and that kinda pisses me off!!!!

Melonary said...

I figured out the problem with early Christmas music. They play ALL the Christmas songs ever recorded. And they are not all good.