Not go to Disneyland, that's for sure. :P
Yeah, so today is my 30th birthday. I have finally transcended into my 30somethings. I can finally relate to the show of the same name from the 90s or whenever it was. I can't say that I actually watched that show so I'm not sure how I could relate, but I'll try my best. Maybe it's on DVD now.
So last night to celebrate, we all went bowling for what else? Bowling!! and beer!! heh Amy went with us to be sure I drank enough. I think I did. I was pleasantly liquored up. The bowling was fun. It was the first time that Dave has been too. He did pretty good on the first game. Got frustrated on the second game. I ended up doing most of his frames much to the sadness of my thumb. Though we were using the bumpers so it wasn't as bad. I managed to get two strikes that would have been gutter balls had the bumpers been down. I thought that was fairly comical. We ended up at the small arcade they had where I played some DDR with Dawn. I beat her but I think it's because the pad I was using was better. I played again on the one she used and I was sucking. What was cool about it though was that it was a Japanese machine. And it was actually loud!
Today I mainly just relaxed. Watched some TV, read the Sunday paper, did some laundry, and cooked myself some pancakes. So it was an ok day. We'll see how the rest of my 30s will turn out. =D