
Cherry Popping Goodness

*watches hits go up*

Yeah, I'm a whore for cheap hits. So, Seattle. It's been ok up here. What's actually pretty cool is I'm at a job where a lot of people share some of my interests. I can laugh at some geeky joke and not get weird looks. I feel enthused when I talk or listen to technology stuff. The others seem to feel the same way, if only more so as they seem more competent than me. It just nice to be surrounded again by those type of people. I can't see myself ever going back to "normal".

This past week I've been learning a programming language called C#. Now, I have heard other people call pieces of technology as sexy. I never knew why they did. I know now. C# is soo damn smooth, silky almost. I want to learn this so bad. There's a lot of potential behind it. I want it all. I know it, to dream about it, to think about it all day. I know now what sexy is.

I didn't see Star Wars on opening night. The first time I've missed a Star Wars on opening day since the re-releases of the original three. Yes, I'm really quite sad. I won't see it until Monday. For free, but still, I have to wait a whole freaking weekend. Oh well.

Now, to my title. A few weeks back, Katie and fam came up to visit. I thought it was a good idea to buy hard alcohol. I got some rum, vanilla vodka and Irish cream. We didn't have much stuff at the house as for mixing things. But we did have some left over Cherry 7up. So, on a whim I decided to mix Cherry 7up and the vanilla Vodka together. Holy crap! That's the best drink every!!! I nicknamed it "Cherry Popper" because I like drinks with perverted names. It's really good! I highly recommend it. So does Katie. heh


calculon said...
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calculon said...

Craving the knowledge and power of C# is a pathway to the Darkside....BEWARE!