
A little off the top, please

It's been about ten days since I've lasted posted. That beginning seems like something you'd hear from a confessional thing at some church. Which? I don't know and have little energy to go research it. If you know, please let me know.

I guess I'll cover the last couple of days. Starting with today. First, I mowed the back yard with my landlord's lawn mower. Once I get a stable income, I'll get my own lawn mower. My dad has a mower that has a power train, self-moving kind of stuff. $300 for it. It's pretty sweet. After mowing the lawn, I took a shower and ran some errands which ended with getting my nephew to play with Dave. We all then went to Dawn's parents for the first BBQ of the season. Steak and fish. Not bad. The steak was really smokey though. But free is as free does.

Yesterday marked the end of the first full (kind of) week at work. It pretty much included reading a bunch and playing cribbage. Well, I played a few hands on Friday and watched the rest of the time. I'm suppose to be working 8x9s but my class in the morning won't let me get all that in. They won't let me stay there at the office by myself either. I'm kind of annoyed. At PNNL, they give students at least 12 hour access unsupervised. Of course that's case by case. I had that access at PNNL. So I'm getting a great deal as I"m not working a full time schedule and doing hardly anything for the time being. I'm actually gonna be doing something that's kind of cool. My mentor seems knowledgable but talks a lot. But he's knowledgable about chemistry stuff and not so much on CS and that's cool. I imagine that he'll be looking for me to do some cool stuff.

Friday also marked the 30th which was the last day to enter that writing contest that I had mentioned a while back. This last week was a busy one for me and I didn't find the time to get it write more. It's an interesting story though and I'd like to finish it just to say I actually finished something in my life.

Thursday was Dave's first T-Ball game. He did pretty well. Both teams batted around 3 times and called it good. Which is fine for 5 year olds. It was kind of amusing at times trying to see the kids run the bases. Two of them on the same base, running when their coach told them to stop. But fun was had by all, cept at the very end.

Thursday was also the first annual (I hope) Games Day at WSU TC. It was something I personally started and more or less ran cept for the time I was at the T-Ball game. We had pizza. We had games. We had lots of fun. Though a word to the wise: Order lots of pizza for hungry college students. At all times we got pizza, it all went fast, like less than a minute fast. They had all circled the area like vultures, sensing that their prey was near. It was disgusting. But a lesson learned for the next time it's held.

The rest of the week went by without major events. A week from today, we had a yard sale. We raked in $300. I was happy because we had no money at the time and that allowed us to get groceries and gas. We also have less to move now. heh

I'm not sure what else to say right now. Oh yeah, in reference to the title, I got a haircut today. I didn't even go to the barber. I was actually getting tired of the crap I was getting. Anyway, that's it. Until next time.

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